Consider Donating Towards Christian Education
At CCA, not only do we do everything we can to ensure that tuition is affordable, but we never have or will turn away a family seeking a Christian education for their child due to financial need. The support of donors and church bodies who believe in Christian education is critical to our mission to meet students' needs while expanding our reach and the facilities and education we offer to our students and their families. Donors can request that their donations go towards the school's general fund, where the school board carefully evaluates current and future needs in the distribution of available funding, or to specific projects or scholarships. Current projects and scholarships include:
CCA's Building Project - CCA is seeking land in the Back Mountain/Wilkes-Barre area to build a 33,000 sq. ft. building including over a dozen classrooms, a cafeteria, laboratory facilities, a gymnasium, and much more, which can accommodate over 300 students once completed. The total project is estimated to cost $800,000, and the school is aiming to raise $200,000 to meet down payment requirements. We believe this building project is crucial to our ability to minister to our students and meet their educational needs as we continue to rapidly grow as a school.
ALMA School System - CCA utilizes the ALMA school system so that parents, students, and staff have instant access to student grades, medical information, and other critical data whenever necessary. This system costs the school around $7000, and while an immense blessing, this cost is sizeable for our small school.
Scholarships - We are seeking donors to donate to scholarships for students who demonstrate financial need and/or high levels of ministry service and academic excellence. Donations of any amount made to the scholarship fund will be earmarked for the offering of scholarships. Donations of half or a full tuition (currently $1350/$2700) will be eligible for the establishment of a named scholarship of the donor's choosing (ex. The John Johnson Memorial Scholarship). Single or multiple donations towards a student's PACE/curriculum fee (currently $300) may also be named scholarships (ex. Johnson Industries Curriculum Scholarship).